
Hi, my name is Alyssa Mason. I am a twenty-something, native Rhode Islander who is a full-time cat mom and school teacher. Like any self-respecting Rhode Islander, I have completed all major life moments thus far in this state. From grades K-12 I attended public schools in Pawtucket, RI and then attended the University of Rhode Island from 2010-2015 in Kingston, RI. After college, I started my first "adult" job with the non-profit City Year Providence at Pleasant View Elementary School and after two years of service joined Teach for America Rhode Island (TFA-RI). With TFA-RI, I began my current role as a high school special education teacher at Mount Pleasant High School in Providence, RI. 

In the midst of teaching and all that comes with educating our youth, I was lucky enough to find myself falling in love with someone I can now call my fiancé. Like me, he is also a good Rhode Islander, albeit a transplant from the Bronx, and proposed to me at Prospect Terrace in Providence. As of today, you can find both of us living on Hope Street with our feline companion Olivia, wondering when exactly its safe enough to pick a new date for our wedding in the wake of COVID-19. 

When I am not working, I can be found curled up on the couch with a good book (currently I'm reading I'm Not Dying with You Tonight), in my kitchen baking something sweet, or outside either running the path at Blackstone Boulevard, biking on the East Bay bike path, or hiking a trail at Lincoln Woods. 

Currently I am enrolled in the Advanced Studies in Teaching and Learning M.Ed program at Rhode Island College. This blog is a place for me to capture and synthesize what I learn while enrolled in SED 561/FNED 502 this semester with Professor Jeremy Benson. 


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